About Big Moma
Hi! My name is Veronica Grant, born in Savannah Georgia. I literally inherited her pound cake recipe, but there's more to it than that. The story goes like this: My grandmother, Nancy Bodison Holmes, was born in Walterboro, South. Carolina, and was the youngest of 18 children. Can you imagine??? Her grandmother Seline Buhlelu was a Full Cherokee. Growing up, I remember my grandmother making the most scrumptious pound cake EVER. She started making them in 1960! Her nickname is "Mommy Nancy," and my mother's nickname was "Big Momma", and now I'm the next generation baker of this scrumish and moist pound cake."

When my grandmother transitioned in February of 1996 at the ripe old age of 85. I was fortunate enough to have the best keepsake I could ever imagine: I inherited her coveted pound cake pan. As if that wasn't enough after my mother’s transitioning, I was going through her belongings, I found my grandmother's hand-written recipe for the pound cake on an envelope in one of my mom's cookbooks. The interesting thing to note is; that she used cursive writing. I found this fascinating because my grandmother only completed third grade, as I look back, I remembered her learning to read and write better by helping me and my siblings when we were young.
I could not resist. One day, I followed the recipe, used the pan for the first time, and let the record speak for itself, "Big Moma's Pound Cakes" was Born!
So, if you are looking for true comfort food, with a recipe that goes back generations, look no further. You can treat yourself, your loved ones, and business colleagues, or just say thank you with an old traditional southern recipe. Big Moma’s pound cakes are a huge success at large gatherings. The opportunity to share Big Moma's Pound cakes can be endless. Don't just take my word for it, get one and taste it for yourself!
They are made to order and shipped in Arizona only! I also have an endless variety of flavors, so let your imagination run away and create your own flavor if you don't see what you want on my website.!